Giving Back

Unfortunately, the tragic event of October 1st showed us the worst of what one individual can do. But, Las Vegas is doing what it does best: Showing that you can't keep a great city down!

We are so impressed at the way businesses and residents (and those of us that travel there) in Las Vegas have rallied around First Responders, those who have donated blood, and individuals making donations towards the Go Fund Me page to help victims.

We want to ask you do something for us. Join and visit our Facebook page, look at the businesses and restaurants that are donating/discounting meals to First Responders and blood donors. When you get to Las Vegas for your next trip, be sure to patronize those restaurants and businesses.   Let them know you heard about their good deeds on LVFB. You might find a new, favorite place to go.  #LVFB#VegasStrong